Playship Edventures participated in this year's Homeschool Convention 2022, at their Curriculum Fair! On 9 April, we had the opportunity to share with parents and caregivers what Playship Edventures is all about and how our easy-to-use resources can engage children aged 3 to 9 years old meaningfully.
In the first 2 sessions, we went LIVE at some locations to explore the outdoors and nature using our various fun activity guides. We believe in discovering the world around us simply by observing things like sculptures and tactile guides in our neighbourhood and community.
And for the first time, we read aloud all of our original stories! If you have missed any of the sessions, you can watch the replay below and find out more about our Story Activity Launchpacks: Playbased Learning with a Southeast Asian flavour!
Bee Bop Dance
D for Dragonfruit and Durian
Spicy Shadow Surprise
Lost and Found